Thursday, September 30, 2010
Board deliveries
I took this of Erica in Ryans shaping room while we were up in Santa Barbara to celebrate Gregs birthday. He wanted us to pick up a board from his room, and drop it off at Mollusk Surf Shop in Venice on the way back home.

Camping and such
The neat thing with having a digital camera is being able to play with the shutter speed and getting exactly what kind of photo you want instantly, especially in low light situations like this one at the campground we stayed at. I love natural lighting, and will very rarely use flash just because I feel that the intensity of a flash isn't what I'm trying to convey in my photos. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these as much as I did taking them!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Morning naps
Natasha and Christina like to nap while we surf... Also Ashley flies with the birds. Trevor let me ride his 9'6" Tanner for a little bit, and I REALLY liked it. There is very little rocker, so it trims like no other. The bottom turns on it just seem to click, and I would recommend checking out more of Tanners boards... Erica took the photos!

I thought this was a really cool photo that Kristina Micotti took of Evan and Andrew with her reusable Rite Aid camera the other day! She also draws some pretty neat stuff as well.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hindu Pirates
I don't know if there's any affiliation, but I really like this song... and this band. They played at the Rip Shred Tear premier last Friday.
Ten Piggies Over by Hindu Pirates
Ten Piggies Over by Hindu Pirates
Ilford HP-5 Plus 400
I just got my roll of (true black and white) Ilford back from processing. I haven't used faster black and white film like this before, I usually use 125PX because I like the sharp contrasts, but the HP-5 Plus 400 film is a lot more versatile. Anyways, I really liked how this roll turned out, with more faded colors and the grainy aspect of each photo, and I present to you: EricaxLaJolla

Monday, September 27, 2010
Evening light
Here are 4 photos that Erica took of us at San O last Saturday evening... Super glassy, consistent, and uncrowded. Summer finally hit in this beautiful late September...
1. Tasha in full trim
2. Cody making the most out of the knee high surf
3. The birthday bunch
4. Trevor sliding away

1. Tasha in full trim
2. Cody making the most out of the knee high surf
3. The birthday bunch
4. Trevor sliding away
Rip Shred Tear
Last Friday, we all went to Madisons new movie, Rip Shred Tear, at the Hurley Headquarters in Costa Mesa. It was really good, and there were a ton of people in support of Madison and Capt. Fin. I highly recommend checking it out, and anything else that Madison has in the works!

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Birthday Camping Trip
Erica and my friends threw me a surprise birthday party this weekend! We surfed Saturday afternoon, camped at San Onofre on Saturday night, woke up at 5:15 am to catch Churches early Sunday morning. We took a lot of pictures, but here at four from when we first got there on Sunday morning. There will be a lot more coming soon!
1) Erica hopping in the water at first light
2) Trevor stepping forward
3) Erica backside
4) Me on a set

1) Erica hopping in the water at first light
2) Trevor stepping forward
3) Erica backside
4) Me on a set
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cardiff Midmornings
Rock on
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sometimes I stalk Erica while she studies for Biology... Kinda reminds me of this early 90's drama/comedy
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Point Concept trimming
Having access to a high quality digital camera has made the turnover rate for my photos super easy. Erica or myself can shoot in the morning (video or pictures), and have them up that day with no processing cost. I still plan on shooting true black and white, as well as color film, I just believe that one shouldn't limit themselves to just one form of expression through photography.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ericas video of Trevor, Jeff, and I surfing just down the street from KELLY SLATER! And the rest of the Hurley Pro yesterday...
Four:15 from Alex Swanson on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Early Mornings
Erica, Trevor, Jeff, and I got up at 4:15 am this morning to truck up to San O before sunrise. We got to the line to get in the gate at 5:40, and there were around 200 cars waiting with us as well... We surfed for about two hours, had some Pedros Tacos, then Trevor parted ways and Erica, Jeff, and I paddled out to Cardiff. Erica and Jeff took the photos and Erica and is putting together a video of the San O session, and I'll put that up as soon as it's ready!

Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Round #2
Ok so Erica figured out how do upload the correct file size to Vimeo so we could get the HD option... so here is Cardiff Afternoonsies... again! In HD...
Cardiff Afternoons in HD from Alex Swanson on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sometimes I like to trimmmm
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Cardiff Afternoonsies!
Here's Ericas first "Hd" video with my T2i, I know it didn't export in HD, but I promise I'm working to get it the way I want it to! As for now, please enjoy this "regular" definition video :)
Ice Cream Bars
Late last night, Erica and I went out for some 99 cent ice-cream bars. I also picked up this rad board in the personal hygiene aisle. God I love Walgreens.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Brandon Rothe
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Drilling holes
Erica, Trevor, and I drove up to meet Greg in Santa Barbara for his birthday. While up there, we picked up a board from Connor, the glasser for Point Concept, and delivered it to Mollusk Surf Shop in Venice.
Leash Plugs N' Stuff from Alex Swanson on Vimeo.
Loose Seal!
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